Taxas do LocalBitcoin

Taxas de transação Bitcoin

As transações para outras carteiras de Bitcoin estão sujeitas a uma taxa de envio, que é deduzida de sua carteira quando você envia uma transação. A taxa atual pode ser visualizada na página da carteira. A taxa varia de acordo com o nível de congestionamento do blockchain do Bitcoin; LocalBitcoins ajusta automaticamente esta taxa para garantir que suas transações sejam confirmadas o mais rápido possível.

Maintenance and Custody fee

If an account has been deleted or terminated for over one (1) year and there is balance on the account, an administration fee will be charged. The fee will be decided as a yearly percentage from the total value of the funds and it is counted as well as charged each month on the last day of the month. The fee’s yearly percentage is ten (10) percent OR minimum twenty (20) euros per month counted based on the actual administered months after the account has been deleted or terminated for one (1) year. The fees are paid in Bitcoin at the current market rate. If an account with balance has bitcoin balance without request to withdraw or the account has balance and the required know your customer -information has not been provided by the account holder, a custody fee will be charged. The fee will be decided as a monthly percentage from the total value of the funds and it is counted as well as charged each month on the last day of the month. The fee’s yearly percentage is ten (10) percent OR minimum twenty (20) euros per month. The fees are paid in Bitcoin at the current market rate.

Outras taxas

Trabalho personalizado, por exemplo, a investigação de possíveis problemas externos, é paga com 200 euros/hora em Bitcoin à taxa de mercado atual. O valor mínimo faturável é de 200 EUR.